Saturday, March 12, 2011

Acting videos

I felt it was time to add a few videos. The first video is the video of a monologue I will be using for auditions. The other videos consists of monologues that I did in my acting class. These aren't exactly evidence of my best work, but I really wanted to post something at the moment. My character adjustments need to be worked on, they seem to come and go a bit in these videos. The deafness could be more clear in the second video and the southern accent in the third video needs to be more defined in terms of the region and it has to be executed properly all the way through. I didn't dress up for these monologues, as I did for my class. I am fairly happy with the videos though. BTW, the author of "Spoon River Anthology" is Edgar Lee Masters NOT Edgar Allen Lee. Somehow, I created a cross between Master and Poe.


  1. These are really powerful, really professional.

    The first, especially, makes me very excited about the prospect working with you on The Project.


  2. Thank you very much! The first is my audition piece; the other two are pieces I have had far less time to work on. Plus, I have had no true training on how to do accents or impediments such as deaf, so those last two videos were more experimentation videos one could say. The first video is less character acting I guess and more me.

    I am excited to work with you! Hence, the reason I posted these videos- I wanted you to see a smidget of what I can do.
